Spiritual, Emotional, and Social Support

COL offers many services to meet the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of our clients. On Tuesdays, our Bible Study is led by area pastors and lay leaders, offering a wonderful variety of teaching styles and viewpoints. We are fortunate to have some of the most gifted teachers in our area who volunteer their time to teach the Gospel. We also offer an additional Bible Study on Thursdays, Digging Deeper, taught by our very own Beth Dotson. Typically, this study is a series on a particular topic for clients who are interested in digging deeper into the Scriptures.

We also offer group support sessions led by a licensed Christian counselor, Dr. Rita Carr. Dr. Carr has volunteered her time to lead these sessions for over 20 years and is an important part of our COL family. These sessions give clients an opportunity to share their concerns, fears, and triumphs as well as a time to encourage one another and to hold one another accountable.

For some, HIV can be a serious, heavy diagnosis. We understand the importance laughter and fun can have in healing. We offer several social gatherings and activities throughout the year including picnics, birthday celebrations, hikes, holiday parties, and much more.