About Us

Mission Statement

To strengthen and empower those infected with or affected by HIV through innovative client services, programs, and education while presenting Christ’s unconditional love and His promise of salvation.

Our Vision for the Ministry

  • Salvation

  • Increased Discipleship and spiritual growth of clients

  • Self -sufficiency in life skills for clients

  • Reduction in the infection rate and stigma surrounding  HIV

Our Core Values

  • We believe that there is a God and we know Him through Jesus Christ who offers us unconditional love and salvation.

  • We believe that as Christians we are called to love others as Christ has loved us.

  • We believe that there are specific and unique needs of those infected with HIV/AIDS that can only be met through the infallible truths of the Scriptures.

  • We believe that people affected by HIV should have a place to freely worship, study, and fellowship where they find no condemnation.

  • We believe that we are not in competition with the Church.